Choose radar to show METEK MIRA MBR5 (35.12 GHz, SLDR Mode) METEK MIRA MBR7 (35.12 GHz, STSR Hybrid mode TROPOS) RPG FMCW LIM (94 GHz) PROSENSING SSXPOL (9.24 GHz) Choose type of plots Elevation scans (fixed azimuth, varying elevation, fixed value range) Elevation scans scaled (fixed elevation, varying azimuth, varying value range) Sector scans (fixed elevation, varying azimuth, fixed value range) Sector scans scaled (fixed elevation, varying azimuth, varying value range) Range height indicator (RHI, similar to a elevation scan but conducted once) Plan position indicator (PPI, similar to a sector scan of the 360° azimuth)
Use 'q' to go to previous radar, 'e' to go next radar. Use 'a' to go to previous day, 'd' to go next day. Use 'y' to go to previous scantype, 'c' to go next scantype. Scans: Use 's' to go to previous scantime, 'w' to go to next scantime.