Reanalyses that span the entire 20th century. Dataset is provided by NOAA. Datasets start in 1901 and end in 2009. NOAA data has global coverage. Temporal resolution is 3h and spatial resolution varies from 1x1 degrees to ~ 1.875 x 1.875 degrees.
Variables: * 2m temperature * srpead of 2m temperature * surface solar radiation downwards * spread of surface solar radiation downwards * total precipitation * spread of total precipitation * surface runoff * spread of surface runoff * 10m winds (u and v component) * spread of 10m winds (u and v component)
Note that only a fraction of the entire datasets was retrieved. 20CRv2c date back further in time. For further reanalyses see also ERA20C, ERA20CM, CERA20C, 20CRv3.
/net/atmos/data/20CRv2c (total size: 262GB) (112 files)
Reanalyses that span the entire 20th century. Dataset si provided by NOAA. Datasets start in 1901 and is only available until 1980 at the time of writing (01/11/2019). NOAA data has global coverage. Temporal resolution is 3h and spatial resolution varies from 1x1 degrees to ~ 1.875 x 1.875 degrees.
Variables: * 2m temperature * surface solar radiation downwards * total precipitation * 10m winds (u and v component)
Note that only a fraction of the entire datasets was retrieved. 20CRv3 date back further in time. For further reanalyses see also ERA20C, ERA20CM, CERA20C, 20CRv2c.
/net/atmos/data/20CRv3 (total size: 288GB) (82 files)
Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP). Data was retrieved from the British Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (
/net/dust/c2sm-data/accmip (total size: 3.7TB) (283238 files)
Gridded analysis of daily precipitation, extending over the entire Alpine region. The dataset is based on measurements at high-resolution rain-gauge networks, encompassing more than 8500 stations from Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland.
/net/atmos/data/alpine.precip (total size: 1.9GB) (458 files)
BEST (Berkeley Earth) gridded monthly surface air temperature datasetfor Land + Ocean Average Temperature with Air Temperatures at Sea Ice (Recommended; 1850 - Recent) Resolution: 1º x 1º Latitude-Longitude Griat
For more information, see README-moreinfo.txt
/net/atmos/data/best (total size: 414MB) (3 files)
Chemistry-Climate Model Validation Activity for SPARC (CCMVal). Data was retrieved from the British Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (
/net/ch4/data/ccmval (total size: 6.3TB) (28948 files)
Reanalyses that span the entire 20th century. Dataset is provided by ECMWF. Datasets start in 1901 and end in 2009. ECMWF data has been retrieved for Europe only. Temporal resolution is 3h and spatial resolution varies from 1x1 degrees to ~ 1.875 x 1.875 degrees.
Variables: * surface runoff * total sky direct radiation at the surface * snowmelt * snowfall * 10m winds (u and v component) * 2m temperature * surface solar radiation downwards * total precipitation * 100m wind (u and v component)
Note that only a fraction of the entire datasets was retrieved. ECMWF reanalyses have global coverage and more variables exist. For further reanalyses see also ERA20C, ERA20CM, 20CRv2c, 20CRv3.
/net/atmos/data/CERA20C (total size: 121GB) (110 files)
CERES EBAF monthly radiation data, Ed2.8, 03/2000 - 11/2015. original 1 degree grid and regridded to 2.5x2.5 degrees.
/net/dust/c2sm-data/Datasets/CERES (total size: 1.4GB) (23 files)
European Reanalysis on a 5x5km grid, 3-hourly data. The Copernicus European Regional ReAnalysis (CERRA) datasets provide spatially and temporally consistent historical reconstructions of meteorological variables in the atmosphere and at the surface.
Downloaded data from via cdsapi as grib, converted to netcdf in "original" folder. "processed" folder contains calculated daily and monthly files.
Variables: 2t: 2 meter temperature skt: skin temperature t: temperature on pressure levels r: relative humidity on pressure levels!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-single-levels?tab=overview!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-pressure-levels?tab=overview
/net/atmos/data/cerra (total size: 40TB) (13694 files)
European Reanalysis on a 5x5km grid, 3-hourly data. The Copernicus European Regional ReAnalysis Land (CERRA-Land) datasets provide spatially and temporally consistent historical reconstructions of precipitation and surface variables at the surface.
Downloaded data from via cdsapi as grib, converted to netcdf in "original" folder. "processed" folder contains calculated daily and monthly files.
Variables: snom: snow melt!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview
/net/atmos/data/cerra-land (total size: 14TB) (1520 files)
CESM1 (CAM5) Large Ensemble Community Project: The CESM community is coordinating the production of a large ensemble using a 1-degree version of CESM1(CAM5) (0.9x1.25_gx1v6, IPCC AR5 model). Ensemble members go from 1920 to 2100 using historical forcing (1920-2005) and RCP8.5 forcing (2006-2100). Ensemble spread is generated using round-off differences in the initial atmospheric state.
Project homepage:
/net/ch4/data/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE (total size: 2.5TB) (5018 files)
CESM2 Large Ensemble (CESM2-LE) consists of 100 members at 1 degree spatial resolution covering the period 1850-2100 under CMIP6 historical and SSP370 future radiative forcing scenarios.
/net/ch4/data/CESM2-LE (total size: 27TB) (94923 files)
CESM2 Single Forcing Large Ensemble (CESM2-SF-LE): members are initialized from 1850 from the same initial conditions that were used to initialize the "macro" members of the CESM2 Large Ensemble (CESM2-LE) and they extend to 2050, following CMIP6 historical forcings prior to 2015 and SSP3-7.0 forcings, thereafter. Resolution: CESM2 nominal 1° grid
/net/ch4/data/CESM2-SF-LE (total size: 3.6TB) (12817 files)
The Swiss Climate Change Scenarios CH2011 data provides an assessment of how temperature and precipitation may change over the 21st century in Switzerland. The dataset consists of three parts:
Regional scenarios of seasonal means: Climate change scenarios of seasonal mean temperature and precipitation calculated for four seasons, three regions, three scenario periods and three greenhouse gas emission scenarios.
Regional scenarios at daily resolution: Daily scenarios derived from the CH2011 climate scenarios of seasonal means. For each region, each scenario period and each emission scenario, the four seasonal mean changes of the individual projection estimates were transformed into a continuous annual cycle.
Local scenarios at daily resolution: Daily scenarios of temperature and precipitation changes at MeteoSwiss observational station sites for each day of the year, for the three scenario periods and ten individual GCM-RCM model chains. Only the A1B emission scenario is covered
/net/atmos/data/ch2011 (total size: 196MB) (2284 files)
CH2018 climate scenarios. Downscaled datasets (DAILY-GRIDDED and DAILY-LOCAL) from MeteoSwiss.
Note: If you do not intend to use the whole model ensemble it is advisable to select a subset of model simulations that makes sense (i.e. covers the whole range of uncertainty provided by the ensemble).
/net/dust/c2sm-data/CH2018_final (total size: 1022GB) (1639 files)
Daily precipitation datasets with CMIP5-forced large ensembles including models below:
/net/atmos/data/CLIVAR_LE (total size: 1.3TB) (174 files)
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 2 (CMIP2). - CMIP project homepage
/net/atmos/data/cmip2 (total size: 3.0GB) (526 files)
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 3 (CMIP3) multi-model dataset also known as the "World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) CMIP3 multi-model dataset." Climate model output from simulations of the past, present and future climate. Data was used for Fourth Asssessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). - CMIP3 project homepage
/net/atmos/data/cmip3 (total size: 6.1TB) (42093 files)
The CMIP3 Next Generation database is an attempt to homogenize some of the original CMIP3 output to be used without bothering about technical issues.
Right now there are several variables which are available:
For different scenarios:
We provide the data in three different temporal resolutions:
and in two different spatial resolutions:
The naming convention is as follow:
'variable name'_'temporal resolution'_'model'_'scenario'_'ensemble'_'spatial resolution'.nc
Using 'ncdump -h' provides some additional information:
/net/atmos/data/cmip3-ng (total size: 492GB) (4856 files)
Standardized global simulation with coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs), including simulations for assessment in the IPCC AR5 report. Large range of experiments, including historical, control and future scenario simulations, decadal hind- and forecast etc. A complete list of files can be found in the file filelist.txt
/net/ch4/data/cmip5 (total size: 130TB) (693303 files)
CMIP5 data used for AR5 WG1 assessment. Snapshot of 2013-03-15. Standardized global simulation with coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs), including simulations for assessment in the IPCC AR5 report. Large range of experiments, including historical, control and future scenario simulations, decadal hind- and forecast etc.
/net/ch4/data/cmip5-ar5-wg1 (total size: 103TB) (508699 files)
The CMIP5 Next Generation database is an attempt to homogenize some of the original CMIP5 output to be used without bothering about technical issues.
Right now there are several variables which are available:
For different scenarios:
We provide the data in three different temporal resolutions:
and in two different spatial resolutions:
The naming convention is as follow:
'variable name'_'temporal resolution'_'model'_'scenario'_'ensemble'_'spatial resolution'.nc
Using 'ncdump -h' provides some additional information:
/net/atmos/data/cmip5-ng (total size: 33TB) (112883 files)
In this folder you will find the interpolated fileds of CMIP5. The interpolation is done on a 2.5x2.5 grid with cdo PLEASE NOTE: Last update of this folder was done 2014-08-12. Use instead data provided in folder cmip5-ng !
gridtype = lonlat xsize = 144 ysize = 72 xfirst = 1.25 xinc = 2.5 yfirst = -88.75 yinc = 2.5
/net/ch4/data/cmip5_25x25 (total size: 7.0TB) (46894 files)
Snapshot used for WGI AR5 ! In this folder you will find the interpolated fileds of CMIP5. The interpolation is done on a 2.5x2.5 grid with cdo
gridtype = lonlat xsize = 144 ysize = 72 xfirst = 1.25 xinc = 2.5 yfirst = -88.75 yinc = 2.5
/net/ch4/data/cmip5_25x25-ar5-wg1 (total size: 6.9TB) (45858 files)
In this folder you will find the interpolated fileds of CMIP5. The interpolation is done on a T42 grid with cdo
/net/ch4/data/cmip5_T42 (total size: 3.0TB) (27764 files)
WCRP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (Phase 6): Standardized global simulation with coupled GCMs. Large range of experiments, including historical, control and future scenario simulations, etc.
The archive contains:
/net/atmos/data/cmip6 (total size: 606TB) (12228652 files)
CMIP6 data downloaded from ESGF. It's not recommended to use this data here. Use /data/cmip6 instead.
/net/atmos/data/cmip6-ESGF (total size: 608TB) (8173507 files)
The CMIP6 Next Generation database is an attempt to homogenize some of the original CMIP6 output to be used without bothering about technical issues.
We provide the data in three different temporal resolutions:
and in two different spatial resolutions:
/net/ch4/data/cmip6-Next_Generation (total size: 202TB) (665448 files)
The Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) comprises a set of coupled GCM-RCM simulations for about 13 regions of the world on a 0.5° grid. Some regions are covered with 0.25° or 0.11° grids. Scenarios include historical runs for the period 1950-2005, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenario runs for the period 2006-2100, and decadal hindcasts for the three periods 1980-2010, 1990-2000, and 2005-2035. Available are daily data and monthly and seasonal means.
Register to mailing list to keep up-to-date, for more info see
/net/oxygen/data/cordex (total size: 368TB) (798753 files)
CORDEX-FPSCONV Data is a multi-model ensemble of convection permitting regional climate model runs created within WCRP-CORDEX. The ALP-3 model runs are described in Coppola et al. 2020, Ban et al. 2021 and Pichelli et al. 2021 and cover the ALP-3 domain. Four different time periods are available:
Evaluation: ca. 2000-2009 (varies for some models) Historical: ca. 1996-2005 (varies for some models) RCP8.5: 2041-2050 and 2090-2099 (not all modelling groups run both time periods)
Other regions in this folder are for driving RCM domains (ALP-12, EUR-11, EUR-15, EUR-22, MED-11, WCE-11) or additional domains run by the ETH model CLMcom-ETH-COSMO-crCLIM (CAN-1, CAN-11, REU-3, which are Canary Islands and full Europe EURO-CORDEX domain).
/net/rain/hyclimm_nobackup/CORDEX-FPSCONV (total size: 72TB) (38463 files)
CORDEX-ReKliEs: Regionale Klimaprojektionen Ensemble
Register to mailing list to keep up-to-date, for more info see
/net/oxygen/data/cordex-reklies (total size: 23TB) (94985 files)
This is the readme file for the CH2018 CORDEX freeze 2.0. This freeze is outdated, the data used for CH2018 are in freeze 2.1.
For the full documentation see the file Modeldataset-freeze-2.0.pdf.
/net/ch4/data/cordex.ch2018-freeze-2.0 (total size: 9.8TB) (1905 files)
This is the readme file for the CH2018 CORDEX freeze 2.1. Freeze 2.1 is the productive data set used for the CH2018 Technical Report. It is identical to freeze 2.0 except for the removal of the RCM runs driven with the GCM CNRM, which have been excluded from the CH2018 multimodel analysis.
For the full documentation see the file Modeldataset-freeze-2.1.pdf.
/net/ch4/data/cordex.ch2018-freeze-2.1 (total size: 8.0TB) (1757 files)
This is the readme file for the CH2025 CORDEX data. This is not a freeze, it contains simulations that have not been used for CH2018 and are newer than those in freeze 2.1. Freeze 2.1 contains the data used in CH2018.
The preprocessing for cordex.ch2025 contains 3 steps. 1. Stitching together historical and rcps to continuous time series from 1971-2099 (outcome are files ending with * 2. Regridding to EUR-11/EUR-44 grids for a few models where this is necessary (e.g. CNRM, RMIB, ICTP, MPI-CSC, UHOH-WRF) 3. Forcing the grid definition to be identical (cdo setgrid) adding metadata for MCH (e.g. ncks -A -v lon,lat in ncatted -O -a coordinates,,o,c,"lon lat") (files ending in *
Other things to be aware of: - Inconsistent names of rotated lat,lons either x,y or rlon,rlat - MOHC model named lat,lon latitude,longitude - list with other notes about model runs here:
/net/ch4/data/cordex.ch2018-freeze-3.0 (total size: 11TB) (1851 files)
This is the readme file for the CH2025 CORDEX data. This is not a freeze, it contains simulations that have not been used for CH2018 and are newer than those in freeze 2.1. Freeze 2.1 contains the data used in CH2018.
The preprocessing for cordex.ch2025 contains 3 steps. 1. Stitching together historical and rcps to continuous time series from 1971-2099 (outcome are files ending with * 2. Regridding to EUR-11/EUR-44 grids for a few models where this is necessary (e.g. CNRM, RMIB, ICTP, MPI-CSC, UHOH-WRF) 3. Forcing the grid definition to be identical (cdo setgrid) adding metadata for MCH (e.g. ncks -A -v lon,lat in ncatted -O -a coordinates,,o,c,"lon lat") (files ending in *
Other things to be aware of: - Inconsistent names of rotated lat,lons either x,y or rlon,rlat - MOHC model named lat,lon latitude,longitude - list with other notes about model runs here:
/net/ch4/data/cordex.ch2025 (total size: 108TB) (7765 files)
ring storage with COSMO-1 analysis from MeteoSwiss covering at least 1 monthy of hourly data
/net/litho/atmosdyn2/cosmo.analysis (total size: 535GB) (105 files)
Cowtan and Way monthly gridded global surface air temperature anomalies. HadCRUT4 data spatially infilled with the Krieging method.
/net/atmos/data/cowtan_way (total size: 20MB) (2 files)
An hourly precipitation dataset obtained from a formal statistical combination of simultaneous radar and rain-gauge measurements. The archived data is from 2005 on. Aggregation of CPC over one day does not replicate RhiresD.
/net/helium/data/iacmeteo/archive/cpc (total size: 543GB) (289632 files)
Digital elevation model MONA100
Michael Sprenger (
/net/tropo/atmosdyn/dyn_soft/datasets/dem.mona100 (total size: 4.9GB) (46 files)
Matrix data for SwissTopo 25
Michael Sprenger (
/net/tropo/atmosdyn/dyn_soft/datasets/dem.swisstopo25 (total size: 17GB) (1732 files)
ENSEMBLES daily gridded observational dataset for precipitation, temperature and sea level pressure in Europe (E-OBS), starting from version 7. Please register on prior to using this dataset!
/net/exo/landclim/data/dataset/E-OBS (total size: 1020GB) (1125 files)
ENSEMBLES daily gridded observational dataset for precipitation, temperature and sea level pressure in Europe (E-OBS). This data is the full ensemble (100 members), which is the base of the data found under /data/E-OBS, and contains daily mean temperature TG, daily minimum temperature TN, daily maximum temperature TX, daily precipitation sum RR and daily averaged sea level pressure PP. The original data is on a 0.1 degree regular grid. The data covers the area 25N-71.5N x 25W-45E In addition a regridded CMIP-ng like version on a 2.5 degree grid is available in the folder *_g025. This covers the entire globe, with missing values filled with nan. In addition it re-organises the file structure from annual files with all ensemble members to individual files per member for all time steps. Variable are renamed to the CMIP standard. Please register on prior to using this dataset! (for regridded CMIP-ng like version)
/net/ch4/data/E-OBS-ensemble (total size: 2.0TB) (851 files)
operational ECMWF analysis.
Michael Sprenger (
/net/litho/atmosdyn/ec.analysis (total size: 599GB) (7115 files)
Open biomass burning emissions (forests, grasslands, agricultural waste burning on fields, peatlands) for use in CMIP6 simulations. Monthly mean over the period 1750-2015 in 0.25 deg resolution. The following emission species are available: aerosol (BC,OC) and aerosol precursor and reactive compounds (SO2, N2O, NOx, NH3, CH4, CO, NMVOC, H2) over the period 1750-2015. Depending on the time period, the data are based either on combination of FIRE-MIP model output or visibility records ((1750-1996), or on Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) version 4s (1997-2015).
/net/co2/echam_data/echam_input_original/emissions/biomass_CMIP6_jens/v12 (total size: 171GB) (71 files)
CEDS (Community Emissions Data System) for historical emissions dataset. Monthly mean global emissions from anthropogenic sectors over the period 1750 to 2014 in 0.5 deg resolution. Data were downloaded from the below linked ftp-server.
/net/co2/echam_data/echam_input_original/emissions/CEDS (total size: 107GB) (413 files)
ACCMIP (Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Model Intercomparison Project) and RCP emissions dataset. Monthly mean global emissions from 10 anthropogenic sectors and 2 biomass burning categories over the period 1850 to 2100. Data were downloaded from the below linked ftp-server.
/net/co2/echam_data/echam_input_original/emissions/accmip_zippped (total size: 288GB) (69381 files)
Multi-model ensemble regional climate simulations for Europe with 50 km and 25 km resolution. Transient simulations covering the time period 1950 to 2100. - Dataset homepage
/net/ch4/data/ENSEMBLES-RCM (total size: 3.3TB) (8198 files)
Reanalyses that span the entire 20th century. Dataset is provided by ECMWF. Datasets start in 1901 and end in 2009. ECMWF data has been retrieved for Europe only. Temporal resolution is 3h and spatial resolution varies from 1x1 degrees to ~ 1.875 x 1.875 degrees.
Variables: * surface runoff * total sky direct radiation at the surface * snowmelt * snowfall * 10m winds (u and v component) * 2m temperature * surface solar radiation downwards * total precipitation * 100m wind (u and v component)
Note that only a fraction of the entire datasets was retrieved. ECMWF reanalyses have global coverage and more variables exist. For further reanalyses see also ERA20CM, CERA20C, 20CRv2c, 20CRv3.
/net/atmos/data/ERA20C (total size: 13GB) (110 files)
Reanalyses that span the entire 20th century. Dataset is provided by ECMWF. Dataset starts in 1901 and end in 2009. ECMWF data has been retrieved for Europe only. Temporal resolution is 3h and spatial resolution varies from 1x1 degrees to ~ 1.875 x 1.875 degrees.
Variables: * surface runoff * surface solar radiation downwards * total precipitation * 10m winds (u and v component) * 2m temperature
Note that only a fraction of the entire datasets was retrieved. ECMWF reanalyses have global coverage and more variables exist. For further reanalyses see also ERA20C, CERA20C, 20CRv2c, 20CRv3.
/net/atmos/data/ERA20CM (total size: 65GB) (108 files)
ERA5 data set in netCDF format from 1940 until 2023.
/net/thermo/atmosdyn2/era5/cdf (total size: 409TB) (4475232 files)
ERA5-Land reanalysis data downloaded from the Copernicus Climate Data Store.
If using the data, you have to accept to the terms and conditions provided on the following website:
For the list of variable names see (note that the short name of 2-m air temperature is "t2m" and not "2t" as indicated in this table)
For an overview on the interpretation and conversions of accumulated variables see
Martin Hirschi
Hourly data source url:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=overview
Monthly data source url:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land-monthly-means?tab=overview
/net/exo/landclim/data/dataset/ERA5-Land (total size: 26TB) (21919 files)
ERA5-Land hourly data from 1950 to present, ERA5-Land is a reanalysis dataset providing a consistent view of the evolution of land variables over several decades at an enhanced resolution compared to ERA5. ERA5-Land has been produced by replaying the land component of the ECMWF ERA5 climate reanalysis. Native resolution is 0.1° x 0.1 (9km), regular latitude-longitude grid.!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=overview
/net/atmos/data/era5-land_cds (total size: 105TB) (34398 files)
ERA5 is the fifth generation ECMWF reanalysis for the global climate and weather for the past 8 decades. Data is available from 1940 onwards. ERA5 replaces the ERA-Interim reanalysis.
Reanalysis combines model data with observations from across the world into a globally complete and consistent dataset using the laws of physics. This principle, called data assimilation, is based on the method used by numerical weather prediction centres, where every so many hours (12 hours at ECMWF) a previous forecast is combined with newly available observations in an optimal way to produce a new best estimate of the state of the atmosphere, called analysis, from which an updated, improved forecast is issued. Reanalysis works in the same way, but at reduced resolution to allow for the provision of a dataset spanning back several decades.
There are different versions of processed data: v1 comes from CDS, hourly data were aggregated to daily and monthly averages, sums, maximuma, minima depending on variable. v2 comes from DKRZ (most variables, daily data downloaded directly except geopotential where geopotential height was calculated from hourly values and then averaged to daily) AND CDS (cbh not available at DKRZ, hourly data downloaded, averaged to daily and monthly). In addition variable names and units were standardized to CMIP, some variables which did not exist in ERA5 but in CMIP were calculated. ATTENTION: error in clt, data is in unit fraction (0-1) as originally in ERA5 NOT % and only for 1980-2023 v3 error fixed in clt, now in % as meant to be in CMIP!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview
/net/atmos/data/era5_cds (total size: 91TB) (238616 files)
ERA5 reanalysis data downloaded from the Copernicus Climate Data Store.
If using the data, you have to accept to the terms and conditions provided on the following website:
For the list of variable names see (note that the short name of 2-m air temperature is "t2m" and not "2t" as indicated in this table)
For an overview on the interpretation and conversions of accumulated variables see
Martin Hirschi
Hourly data source url:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview
Monthly data source url:!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview
/net/exo/landclim/data/dataset/ERA5_deterministic (total size: 42TB) (36960 files)
ERA-Interim data set in Grib and in netCDF format from 1979 until 2011. Ozone and PBL data can be found in the folders o3 and pbl.
/net/tropo/atmosdyn/erainterim/cdf/1979/01/P19790101_12 (total size: 106MB) (5203510 files)
ERA-interim monthly means for period 1979-01 until 2014-12
Note the following:
- monthly means have been computed from 6hourly output
- files start with B, G, P, Z and R
B U10M, V10M, TD2M, T2M, SKT (note: and only contain SKT for unknown reasons)
G G10M, T2MAX, T2MIN ("extreme" entities)
R LSP, CP, RTOT, SF, SSHF, SLHF (precip quantities)
Z Z, T, Q, U, V (data on pressure levels - 11 levels)
P Q, LWC, IWC, T, U, V, OMEGA, PS, SLP (most data on model levels - 60 levels, except PS and SLP)
The grid is a 1x1 degree regular lat-lon-grid. If you need a climatology from the data, you may use the contact above. Some multi-year mean climatologies have been pre-computed or can be very quickly generated.
/net/atmos/data/erainterim.monmean (total size: 52GB) (2161 files)
Alpine Precipitation Grid Dataset (EURO4M-APGD). The dataset is based on measurements at high-resolution rain-gauge networks, encompassing more than 8500 stations from Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland. Period: Jan.-Dec., 1971-2008, regular grid in the ETRS89-LAEA coordinate system, grid spacing 5x5 km
/net/atmos/data/EURO4M-APGD (total size: 2.5GB) (462 files)
The Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project: Climate model simulations with various geoengineering scenarios.
/net/ch4/data/GeoMIP (total size: 1.4TB) (3518 files)
GISTEMP - GISS (Goddard Institute for Space Studies) combined SST/air temperature analysis for the globe that uses NOAA's ERSST V5 on Oct 25 2017.
Temporal Coverage: Monthly anomalies 1880/01 to present (NASA uses 1951-1980 base period). Spatial Coverage (1200 km smoothed): 2.0 degree latitude x 2.0 degree longitude global grid (360x180). 89.0N - 80.0S, 1.0E - 359.5E.
For more information, see README-moreinfo.txt
/net/atmos/data/gistemp (total size: 133MB) (3 files)
HadCRUT4 (Hadley Centre SSTv3 + Climate Research Unit air temperature v4 over land) gridded monthly surface tempearture anomalies for the globe.
/net/atmos/data/hadcrut4 (total size: 21MB) (2 files)
Met Office Hadley Centre observations dataset containing maximum and minimum daily temperature. Raw data downloaded from link below are in "raw" Daily concatenated Data (and some minor metadata changes such as reference time) in "daily" Monthly means in "monthly"
/net/dust/c2sm-data/Datasets/HadGHCND (total size: 7.6GB) (35 files)
Standardized global simulation with coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models. Data from the HAPPI MIP project (Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts)
/net/atmos/data/happi (total size: 4.5TB) (29920 files)
input4MIPS (input datasets for Model Intercomparison Projects) is an activity to make available via ESGF the boundary condition and forcing datasets needed for CMIP6.
/net/atmos/data/input4MIPs (total size: 261MB) (3 files)
The Japanese 55-year (JRA-55) renalaysis. Dowloaded period: 1959-2020 Horizontal resolution: 1.25x1.25deg
Daily mean and monthly mean files are located inside each variable folder. Instantaneous 3-hourly values are available for precipitaion and 6-horuly values for z.!access
/net/cfc/s2s/shared_data/Datasets/JRA-55 (total size: 1.5TB) (1261 files)
Merged evapotranspiration synthesis product from the LandFlux-EVAL project: For details, see Mueller et al. 2013, HESS, doi:10.5194/hess-17-3707-2013
The data is available for two time periods, 1989-1995 and 1989-2005 (file name supplements .89-95. and .89-05.), and for the different categories of considered ET data sets (diagnostic, reanalyses, land-surface models LSMs, and for all of these; with according file name supplements .diagnostic., .reanalyses., .LSMs., .all.).
Each of the LandFluxEVAL.merged.* files provides either monthly (.monthly.), yearly (.yearly.) and multi-year (.multiyear.) statistics (i.e., based on the mean monthly, yearly and multi-year values of the considered data sets). Data is in mm/d.
ETH Zurich Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
/net/argon/landclim/LANDFLUX/DATA/web (total size: 4.9GB) (28 files)
Merged evapotranspiration synthesis product from the LandFlux-EVAL project.
/net/exo/landclim/data/dataset/LandFlux-EVAL (total size: 11GB) (65 files)
The Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) provides reanalyse data (e.g., atmospheric) beginning in 1980.
/net/ch4/data/MERRA2 (total size: 16TB) (137387 files)
The Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) provides reanalyse data (e.g., atmospheric) beginning in 1980. This folder contains 3D data. * M2I6NPANA: MERRA-2 inst6_3d_ana_Np: 3d,6-Hourly,Instantaneous,Pressure-Level,Analysis,Analyzed Meteorological Fields V5.12.4,
/net/ch4/data/MERRA2.3d (total size: 8.1TB) (16563 files)
MERRA-2 reananysis data beginning in 1980 processed into monthly and daily timeseries for selected variables. Processing scripts used in /home/rlorenz/scripts/postproc_merra2/ Original (hourly) data located in /net/data/atmos/MERRA2 folder.
v? contains processed files which have CMIP variable names and the same filename structure as cmip?-ng files. v0 was the first ad-hoc version using files in daily and monthly folders, changing variable names etc. in the command line and data until 2015. v1 is an update, processed using /home/rlorenz/scripts/postproc_merra2/ and contains data until end of 2018. v1 uses conservative2 remapping instead of billinear (in accordance with CMIP6-ng), regridding happens at the very end (after calculating rsus and rlds for instance) and there is a slight difference in rsus compared to v0 (reason?).
/net/dust/c2sm-data/Datasets/MERRA2.timeseries (total size: 945GB) (32572 files)
gridded temperature (Tabs, Tmax, Tmin), precipitation (Rhires), and sunshine (Srel) data from MeteoSwiss. Data is on regular lat/lon grid and covers Switzerland. Time resolutions are daily (D), monthly (M) and yearly (D). For example: TabsD = daily average temperature
Note: Older versions can be found in the folder OLD-versions.
Variables: * RhiresD, RhiresM, RhiresY - tägliche (D), monatliche (M), jährliche (Y) Niederschlagssumme * SrelD, SrelM, SrelY - tägliche (D), monatliche (M), jährliche (Y) Sonnenscheindauer * TabsD, TabsM, TabsY - tägliche (D), monatliche (M), jährliche (Y) Mitteltemperatur * TminD, TminM, TminY - tägliche (D), monatliche (M), jährliche (Y) Minimumtemperatur * TmaxD, TmaxM, TmaxY - tägliche (D), monatliche (M), jährliche (Y) Maximumtemperatur
/net/iacmeteo/sma/MeteoCH_gridded (total size: 187GB) (29917 files)
/net/atmos/data/MeteoCH_hailcast (total size: 0B) (0 files)
Satellite images and weather forecast products from MeteoSwiss.
Forcast products: * ifs: Deterministic IFS forecast * icon-ctrl: Control COSMO/ICON forecast * icon-ens: COSMO/ICON ensemble
Observations: * radar: radar images * sat: satellite images * temp: soundings * prec-compare: combiprecip data set
Special products: * prs-difference: pressure difference Lugano-Kloten * cloudlab:
Linux Tool: * Run the command 'weather' on any IAC Linux system
/net/helium/data/iacmeteo/archive/cloud (total size: 279GB) (10499599 files)
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Monthly Means and Other Derived Variables
Temporal Coverage: * Daily and Monthly Values for 1948/01 - present. * Long term monthly means, derived from data for years 1968 - 1996.
Spatial Coverage: * 2.5 degree latitude x 2.5 degree longitude global grid (144x73). * 90N - 90S, 0E - 357.5E
Levels: * 17 pressure levels (hPa): 1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10 * Some variables not defined at all levels
Update Schedule: * Monthly * Data is synced every Sunday 20:00
/net/atmos/data/ncep (total size: 230GB) (1817 files)
Monthly gridded anomalies of surface air temperature dataset from NOAA Atmospheric data are from GHCN-M and ocean temperature from the NOAA ERSST V4 dataset. Temporal Coverage: Monthly anomalies and statistics from 1880/01 to present Spatial Coverage: 5.0 degree latitude x 5.0 degree longitude global grid (72x36). 87.5S - 87.5N, 2.5E-357.5E.
/net/atmos/data/NOAA (total size: 16MB) (3 files)
This directory contains two different observational data sets!
-> is a combination of E-OBS, APGD and MCH (see eobs_apgd_mch_1971-2008/README.txt for more information)
-> is a combination of E-OBS and MCH (see eobs_mch_1971-2008/README.txt for more information)
/net/ch4/data/obs.ch2018-freeze-1 (total size: 87GB) (42 files)
This directory contains two different observational data sets!
-> is a combination of E-OBS, APGD and MCH (see eobs_apgd_mch_1971-2008/README.txt for more information)
-> is a combination of E-OBS and MCH (see eobs_mch_1971-2008/README.txt for more information)
/net/ch4/data/obs.ch2018-freeze-4.0 (total size: 87GB) (42 files)
Obs4MIPs (Observations for Model Intercomparisons Project) is an activity to make observational products more accessible for climate model intercomparisons.
/net/ch4/data/obs4MIPs (total size: 260GB) (9615 files)
The directory plot-data.ch2018 is a repository for the data underlying standard barplots and maps for CH2018.
The directories are structured according to the report chapters and data products. Please save your data in the appropriate directory, and contact the CH2018 project coordinators if it is not clear which it is. Also, please refrain from using or modifying data from other authors. The saved data are synchronized between the two servers daily.
Project coordinators:
CH2018 plot data format specification
This describes the format of the base data of standard CH2018 plots (maps and barplots). Data files are to be produced for
● All standard barplots and maps shown in the report ● All other combinations of scenarios, periods, etc. (not shown in the report, but maybe in Appendix or on the website) ● The reference period, which should be provided even if it is not shown.
Plain text, one file with one comma-separated table for each plot: one quantity, scenario, and region, for all seasons and periods, including the reference period). Each row contains data for one simulation of the combined multimodel ensemble (26 simulations in all). Provide absolute quantities for the reference period, and absolute changes for the scenario periods (not %). Include the name of the file creator, and the long name of the quantity and its unit as comments (see below).
example: TXx_rcp85_CHNE.csv
Contents (example):
Tas, reference.DJF, X2035.DJF, ... EUR-11_CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17_CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1, -1.98935247601734, 1.061620347326, ... EUR-11_CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17_ICHEC-EC-EARTH_r12i1p1, -1.20013936157856, 1.19628834676825, ... EUR-11_CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17_MOHC-HadGEM2-ES_r1i1p1, -1.1762836046103, 1.59126258028361, ... EUR-11_CLMcom-CCLM4-8-17_MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR_r1i1p1, -0.423330835700553, 0.458920065957742 ... EUR-11_CNRM-ALADIN53_CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1, -3.75989043000672, 1.23187807020214, ... EUR-11_DMI-HIRHAM5_ICHEC-EC-EARTH_r3i1p1, -1.38305505779054, 1.11252049393216, ... EUR-11_MPI-CSC-REMO2009_MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR_r2i1p1, -0.483184926770628, 0.499824432687213 ... EUR-11_SMHI-RCA4_CNRM-CERFACS-CNRM-CM5_r1i1p1, -3.02492524836626, 1.79396020891533, ... EUR-11_SMHI-RCA4_ICHEC-EC-EARTH_r12i1p1, -2.47480029000176, 1.81079404734903, ... ...
Maps of gridded data
Netcdf, one file per plot plus one file for the reference period: ensemble median of one quantity for one scenario and period. Provide absolute quantities for the reference period, and absolute changes for the scenario periods (not %). Include the name of the file creator, and the long name of the quantity and its unit as comments (see below).
The median is to be computed with the method by C. Schär to combine resolutions, based on the set of 26 simulations, complemented with pattern scaled data for RCP8.5 and RCP4.5.
Metadata: the netcdf meta data must contain the short and long name of the quantity, the unit, and the name of the file’s creator with the tag “CH2018_author”, for example:
cdo setname,Tas ncatted -O -a long_name,Tas,o,c,"Near-Surface Air Temperature" ncatted -O -a units,Tas,o,c,"degC" cdo setgatt,creator,”Curdin Spirig”
/net/ch4/data/plot-data.ch2018 (total size: 16GB) (7953 files)
This directory contains the pattern scaled CORDEX-RCM data for EUR-11 (0.11 degrees horizontal resolution) and EUR-44 (0.44 degrees). Information for scenarios which have not been modeled are gained by pattern scaling. Here we used the time shift approach to provide information for RCP 4.5 and RCP 2.6 and for each time period (2020-2049, 2045-2074 and 2070-2099). The data basis is the CH2018 model data freeze-1.2 to be found under ../cordex.ch2018-freeze1.2. Pattern scaled time series are provided for daily data and for the following variables:
/net/ch4/data/ps.ch2018-freeze-2.0 (total size: 8.0TB) (6644 files)
This directory contains the pattern scaled CORDEX-RCM data for EUR-11 (0.11 degrees horizontal resolution) and EUR-44 (0.44 degrees). Information for scenarios which have not been modeled are gained by pattern scaling. Here we used the time shift approach to provide information for RCP 4.5 and RCP 2.6 and for each time period (2020-2049, 2045-2074 and 2070-2099). The data basis is the CH2018 model data freeze-1.2 to be found under ../cordex.ch2018-freeze1.2. Pattern scaled time series are provided for daily data and for the following variables:
/net/ch4/data/ps.ch2018-freeze-2.1 (total size: 6.2TB) (5448 files)
This directory contains the pattern scaled CORDEX-RCM data for EUR-11 (0.11 degrees horizontal resolution) and EUR-44 (0.44 degrees). Information for scenarios which have not been modeled are gained by pattern scaling. Here we used the time shift approach to provide information for RCP 4.5 and RCP 2.6 and for each time period (2020-2049, 2045-2074 and 2070-2099). The data basis is the CH2018 model data freeze-1.2 to be found under ../cordex.ch2018-freeze1.2. Pattern scaled time series are provided for daily data and for the following variables:
/net/ch4/data/ps.ch2018-freeze-4.0 (total size: 6.2TB) (5448 files)
/net/atmos/data/REGEN (total size: 0B) (0 files)
Forecast and hindcast data from the S2S prediction project downloaded from ECMWF's MARS archive. Data is interpolated (before the retrieval) to a 1x1 degree grid. This is mostly to be able to easily validate the data with ERA-Interim and ERA5 (which are stored on the same grid here on the IAC servers) on a grid box level. Note that the different models have different native resolutions however; some finer than 1x1 degree but some also coarser.
(update on 2023-03-08: to maximise storage efficiency, data has been downloaded in 1.5x1.5 degrees - the default download horizontal resolution as provided from MARS archive)
The directory contains hindcasts and real-time forecasts in the respective sub-directories. Within each of these, data from single models is
saved. Inside the model sub-directories, the data is split between surface fields (/sfc/) and fields on pressure levels (/pl/). Each of of those
directories contains data for single parameters. The grib files within each of those directories are named
This database is far from complete. Right now it contains hindcast and some real-time forecast data of several parameters at the surface (/sfc/) and on pressure levels (/pl/).
The folder ECMWF_EU_CH/ contains surface variables, e.g. t2m, for forecasts and hindcasts for the year 2022 for Europe. Please refer to the README inside the folder for more details.
/net/cfc/s2s_forecasts (total size: 33TB) (1359100 files)
UKCP18 Convection-Permitting Model Projections for the UK at 2.2km resolution for 1981-2080 in total 12 ensemble members. The data is available on a 2.2km and 5km grid on a rotated pole, and on a 0.1deg and 0.25deg regular lat/lon grid (land only grid points).
/net/xenon/climphys/UKCP18 (total size: 1.7TB) (11052 files)
In every folder (year) are saved as lsl-file wcb trajectories. Each trajectory is extended 10 days backward and 10 days forward and the following variables are given every 6 hours: time, lon, lat, p, Q, LWC, IWC, RH, TH, THE, PV, P
Erica Madonna (
/net/litho/atmosdyn2/emadonna/wcbclim/cycl (total size: 64GB) (49604 files)
Some usefuld internet resources with weather data
Michael Sprenger (
/net/tropo/atmosdyn/dyn_soft/datasets/weatherdata.internet (total size: 8.0KB) (2 files)