Data contained in this folder corresponds to those shown in the publication "Global relevance of marine organic aerosol as ice nucleating particles" by Huang et al. (2018) on ACP. A description of the file contents is given below to faciliate usability. - Filenames follow the rule [experiment]_[variables]_[spatial and temporal averaging].nc - Experiment names corresponds to those stated in the above cited publication (tables 2 and 3). Nudged simulations are additonally labled as such. - Spatial and temporal averaging: zonmean = zonal mean timmean = time mean (over the entire simulation period) yearmean = yearly means seasmean = seasonal means yseasmean = multi-year seasonal means ymonmean = multi-year monthly means - Variables (in brackets are the respective variable short names in the files; all variables are in SI units): 2Dvars = TOA SW (srad0), TOA LW (trad0), cloud cover (aclcov), IWP (xivi), LWP (xlvi), snowfall (aprs) 2mT10mWind = 2m T (temp2), 10m wind (wind10) aerosol_forcing = TOA SW all-sky aerosol forcing (FSW_TOTAL_TOP), TOA LW all-sky aerosol forcing (FLW_TOTAL_TOP) AOD = AOD (TAU_2D_550nm) burdenMOASS = MOA burden (burden_MOA), sea salt burden (burden_SS) emiMOASSDU = MOA emission rate (emi_MOA), sea salt emission rate (emi_SS), dust emission rate (emi_DU), ratio of MOA to sea salt emission rates calculated on the monthly mean values (emi_MOAdivSS) MOADUtotS_perm3 = mass concentration expressed in kg per m3, of MOA (MOA_totS) and internally mixed dust (DU_totS) MOAperm3_Rinaldiperiod200203-200905 = MOA mass concentration in the accumulation (MOA_AS) and coarse (MOA_CS) size modes for the nudging period corresponding to the Mace Head observations MOAperm3_Sciareperiod200305-200711 = MOA mass concentration in the accumulation (MOA_AS) and coarse (MOA_CS) size modes for the nudging period corresponding to the Amsterdam Island observations temp = atmospheric temperature (st) cloud_properties = in-cloud liquid and ice properties: CDNC (CDNC_ACC_occ), LWC (LWC_ACC_occ), liquid droplet effective radius (REFFL_ACC_occ), ICNC (ICNC_ACC_occ), IWC (IWC_ACC_occ), ice crystal effective radius (REFFI_ACC_occ), occurrence time frequency of liquid cloud droplets (CLOUD_TIME), occurrence time frequency of cloud ice crystals (CLIWC_TIME) freq_supercooledcloudy = time frequency of occurrence of supercooled clouds (freq_supercooledcloudy) frz_rate_occur = freezing rate during occurrence of MOA (MOAtot_frz_occur) and dust (DUtot_frz_occur) MOAfrz_greaterthan_DUfrz = frequency of occurrence (in the presence of supercooled clouds) when MOA induces more ice nucleation than dust (freq_MOAgtDU_cloudyoccur) rad = TOA SW (srad0) and TOA LW (trad0) radiative balance (not in separate files if the file 2Dvars exists for the simulation)