The folders contain netcdf files from the simulations conducted for the paper. The name of folders are the same than the names used in the paper: arctic_2004 arctic_2050 arctic_2050_EM2004 arctic_2050_shipping The netcdf files contain monthly data for 20 years each and values between 60° and 90°N. The most important variables discussed in the paper are listed below (the files contain more variables). In most cases, the units are written to the netcdf files, otherwise there are mentioned below. If you want to use other variables than the ones listed below, please contact Anina Gilgen ( or David Neubauer ( activm-stream: REFFL_ACC_CW: in-cloud effective cloud droplet radius REFFI_ACC_CW: in-cloud effective ice crystal radius LWC_ACC_CW: in-cloud liquid water content IWC_ACC_CW: in-cloud ice water content CDNC_ACC_CW: in-cloud cloud droplet number concentration ICNC_ACC_CW: in-cloud ice crystal number concentration CDNC_BURDEN_ACC_CW: in-cloud cloud droplet number concentration burden the same variables without the "_CW" at the end -> all-sky values Note: For the in-cloud variables, I set the missing values (occurring in gridboxes where no clouds are present during the whole month in the original data) to zero in the data. You can set them back to NAN if wished. When averaging (e.g. calculating temporal and zonal means), it makes a difference whether 0 or NAN is used. It makes a difference for regions where only a few gridboxes have values, e.g. at 250 hPa for CDNC (difference 2050 and 2004). Without setting the values to zero, the differences would be considerably higher, but would be only representative for a few gridboxes. burden-stream: burden_SS: sea salt burden burden_DMS: DMS burden burden_BC: black carbon burden burden_OC: organic carbon burden burden_SO4: sulphuric acid burden debugsm-stream: ddf01: number of ice crystals freezing per timestep due to contact freezing (dust) ddf02: number of ice crystals freezing per timestep due to immersion freezing (BC) ddf03: number of ice crystals freezing per timestep due to immersion freezing (dust) echamm-stream: friac: sea ice cover precip: total precipitation [kg/(m2*s)] aprc: convective precipitation tsurf: surface temperature aclcov: cloud cover CF_LW: long-wave cloud radiative effect [W/m2] CF_SW: short-wave cloud radiative effect [W/m2] srad0: net short-wave radiation at TOA trad0: net long-wave radiation at TOA wind10: wind speed at 10m altitude emim-stream: emi_SS: sea salt emissions emi_BC_ships: black carbon ship emissions emi_OC_ships: organic carbon ship emissions emi_SO2_ships: sulphur dioxid ship emissions forcing-stream: FORCING_TOTAL_TOP: radiative forcing of (all) aerosols at the TOA (as defined in the paper) [W/m2] FORCING_CLEAR_TOP: radiative forcing of (all) aerosols at the TOA (as defined in the paper), clear-sky conditions [W/m2] hamm-stream: rwet_NS: wet radius of soluble nucleation mode rwet_KS: wet radius of soluble Aitken mode rwet_AS: wet radius of soluble accumulation mode rwet_CS: wet radius of soluble coarse mode rwet_KI: wet radius of insoluble Aitken mode rwet AI: wet radius of insoluble accumulation mode rwet_CI: wet radius of insoluble coarse mode D_COND_SO4: condensation of sulphate on aerosol D_NUC_SO4: nucleation of sulphate radm: ABS_2D_550nm: absorption optical thickness (at 550nm) TAU_2D_550nm: optical thickness (at 550nm) sfcbc: FSW_TOTAL_TOP: radiative forcing of BC deposited on snow tracerm: NUM_NS: number concentration of soluble nucleation mode NUM_KS: number concentration of soluble Aitken mode NUM_AS: number concentration of soluble accumulation mode NUM_CS: number concentration of soluble coarse mode NUM_KI: number concentration of insoluble Aitken mode NUM_AI: number concentration of insoluble accumulation mode NUM_CI: number concentration of insoluble coarse mode BC_TOT: total BC mass concentration [kg/kg] DU_TOT: total dust concentration [kg/kg] The results from the radiative kernel method (all in W/m2) can be found in the directory "RK". The subdirectory 2050-2004 contains the differences in cloud radiative effects between the simulation arctic_2050_EM2004 and arctic_2004. The subdirectory 2050ship-2050 contains the differences in cloud radiative effects between the simulation arctic_2050_shipping and the simulation arctic_2050. The subsubdirectories mean, stda, and stdb refer to the average and the two standard deviations, respectively, as described in the Appendix of the paper. The file names are structured the following way: JA/SO/SO_2: refers to the time period over which the results are averaged. JA=July/August, SO=September/October. SO_2 also refers to September/October, but contains missing values (see paper for more details). fdbk/fdbkd: fdbk contains the standard short-wave (SW_cld_fdbk) and long-wave (LW_cld_fdbk) changes in cloud radiative effect using the radiative kernel method. In fdbkd, these changes are split into contributions from changes in cloud top altitude (SW_cld_fdbkp and LW_cld_fdbkp), changes in cloud optical thickness (SW_cld_fdbkt and LW_cld_fdbkt), changes in cloud cover (SW_cld_fdbk0 and LW_cld_fdbk0), and the residuals (SW_cld_fdbkr and LW_cld_fdbkr). low/non-low/: changes in the cloud radiative effects refer either to all altitudes (neither low nor non-low) or are split into changes in low clouds (low) and free-tropospheric clouds (non-low), as defined in the paper.